The New York State Grange was founded in 1873. There are more than 100 local Granges in New York State with a total membership of over 4,000. The State Grange has members serving on many state committees. The State Soil and Water Conservation Committee, the Council of Agricultural Organizations, the Rural Schools Association are a few. The State Grange meets each year in October to set legislative policy and legislative agenda.

The Grange is primarily found in rural communities, however some may be found within the limits of the State’s cities. We are advocates for responsible government at all levels. We are a family organization emphasizing strong family ties as a basis for a healthy society. As a fraternal organization we feel that a strong community is based on developing a friendly positive relationship among its citizens. Helpful cooperation between members of a community makes it self-sufficient and prosperous. A community where citizens know each other and communicate on a regular basis will run smoothly and work for the total benefit of the community as a whole

Membership in the Grange organization is available to anyone who is interested in community betterment. The Grange began as an agricultural organization at a time when agriculture was the primary occupation of rural citizens. Today the Grange still closely mirrors the makeup of our rural communities, regardless of their makeup, maintaining the commitment to improve them collectively, as well of the lives of its individual members. Agriculture is still important to the Grange and its members know that the economic welfare of rural communities is still strongly influenced by the economic stability of agriculture.

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2023-25 New York State Grange Officers

PresidentSandra M. Green Allegany
Vice PresidentMelvin Phelps Jefferson
Lecturer Brenda Noble Livingston
Steward Matthew R. Horton Steuben
Assistant Steward Vernon Starr Albany
Lady Assistant StewardDebra Van Lare Wayne
Chaplain Virginia L. Conner Cayuga
Treasurer Kenneth M. Smith Deleware
SecretaryRyan J. Orton Dutchess
Gatekeeper James E. Dowd Allegany
Flora Kelly Frost Jefferson
Pomona Virginia Dehner Cortland
Ceres Allison Bolio Dutchess
Executive Committee Elaine S. Smith Delaware
Executive Committee Bruce Croucher Ontario
Executive Committee Daniel Woolley Onondaga
Executive Committee Barbara Lavier Cortland
Pianist Irene Fassett Otsego