Director:  Maryanne Campbell, PO Box 294, Norwich, NY 13815 (607) 847-6639
Valerie Griffing, PO Box 382, Nunda, NY 14517 (585) 335-9607
Jeannette Moore,
11077 SR 38, Cato, NY 13033 (315)907-9091
Letitia Pickering,
1225 Holland Dr., Farmington, NY 14425 (585)924-3145

The Family Vision Area covers many areas within the Grange program.

Its main objective is helping each Grange unit be an advocate for families through a variety of programs.

An advocate is one who speaks or writes in support of something or someone. Grange history shows that the family has always been a central part of the Grange. In today’s society it has become even more important that the family unit be strengthened and supported in every way. Thus as a family oriented organization, today’s Grange needs to provide as many opportunities as possible to help strengthen family ties and to uphold the family values of love, acceptance, honesty and meaningful communication. In addition to supporting family values, many of the Family Advocacy program urge each local Grange to reach out into the community to inform other of services available to them, to work with other community organizations and try to make their Grange a viable part of the working community in today’s busy world. We also continue to offer programs and contests of interest to the members, which can also be used to draw new members of like interest.-


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Contest Score Sheets available in the Handbook download

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