A Treasured Tradition With The Future In Focus

WELCOME to the New York State Grange Sesquicentennial Information Site.  The 150th Anniversary or sesquicentennial of the organizational meeting of the New York State Grange is approaching.  This founding meeting was held on November 6, 1873 in Syracuse.  The Sesquicentennial Committee has been planning a year of celebratory events starting in October of 2022 and ending in October of 2023. The festivities will begin with the October 2022 New York State Grange Session.  Regional celebrations will be held during the summer of 2023. The 150th birthday celebration will conclude with the 151st State Grange Session in October 2023.  We want you to be informed and participate with us as we celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the New York State Grange.  

Our theme: A TREASURED TRADITION WITH THE FUTURE IN FOCUS, suggested by Ryan Orton, emphasizes the two main areas that the Celebration Committee feels are important. First, the outstanding accomplishments of the New York State Grange and its leaders should be recognized and honored.  Second, enthusiasm and dedication for future efforts should be built.
These two areas can be a major focus for Community and Pomona Granges.  This theme can be used when honoring members for years of service.  Grange memories and accomplishments of these members can be recorded.  The theme can serve as an impetus to write or update the history of your Grange.  Adding new members is a necessity to the future of the Grange organization.

Our beautiful BANNER (see above) was designed by Roberta Severson with assistance from Melvin Phelps.