Director: Sherri Horner, 164 CR 14, Fulton, NY 13069
Ph: 315-380-2294
How can the Grange help parents to raise well-rounded children? In a variety of ways, the Grange is very helpful in raising well-rounded children. One way is to establish a solid support system within the Junior Grange program. The adults that work with the Junior Grange support the members at all times and through all activities. They provide the praise the children need to learn to do their best, whether they are successful or not in an activity. This will help them to feel loved and confident, thus helping them to become competent, ambitious, and happy with all they achieve in live.
Being a Junior Grange member will help the children to be more outgoing. By helping with community service projects within the Grange, they meet other people and are exposed to different situations. Attending any type of Grange activity or Camp also introduces children to new people. These friendships tend to build relationships with people who will become life long friends. Also, by participating in contests or being a Grange officer teaches the children to become more effective communicators. Being an effective communicator is a skill that will benefit them in all that they do throughout their lives.
Grange gives children the opportunity to learn new skills. Through the various programs in Grange, children can see what are their strengths. A child may not be the best academically, but they may excel at crafts, sports, photography, art, or sharing a talent. These are all programs within the Grange that can help a child focus more on what they are good at rather than what they may consider a weakness. In the Grange, the children can explore the different programs and see what program fits them the best.
Junior Grange is an excellent way to help children become happy, confident, and successful members of society. Adults that work with the Junior Grange program can work with the Junior members to make them more well-rounded, thus creating leaders for tomorrow.
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THE JUNIOR GRANGE IS: Leadership training to:
Establish our identity and pride (individual and group)
Bring people and ideas together
Encourage Rural Spirit of Volunteerism
Encourage quality, not necessarily quantity
Understand social and individual values
Download/print the 2024-25 Junior Grange Handbook here
2024 Project List here
2025 Project List here
March Report Form here
June Report Form here
September Report Form here
December Report Form here
Junior Grange Organizational Guidebook here
View/Download/Print the 2024 National Grange Junior Program here